Apache Solr Tutorials : Creating Search Server via Kubernetes

Published:16 May 2022 - 7 min. read

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Muhammed Ali

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If you’ve been using Solr for a while and want to learn how to orchestrate Solr containers, you’ve come to the right place. Unlike the typical Apache Solr tutorials, you’ll immerse yourself in this tutorial to leverage a Kubernetes Apache Solr cluster.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn to run a full-text search server within a servlet container and use Kubernetes with Apache Solr to manage its containers.

Read on and start orchestrating!


This tutorial comprises hands-on demonstrations. If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have the following in place:

  • Minikube node created and running on VirtualBox – This tutorial uses Minikube v1.25.2 and VirtualBox 6.1.
  • A Linux machine – This tutorial uses Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.

Creating Pods for Apache Solr Container

Before working on your cluster, you need pods where the Solr containers will live and be managed. You’ll create a YAML file with its kind set to Deployment, state the image you want to build the container from, then initialize the port.

You’ll be using only the declarative approach, where you’ll write instructions in files instead of running commands directly on a terminal.

To create pods for Apache Solr container:

1. Create a project directory with your preferred name to store all the files for your project. This tutorial uses the project directory called kube_solr.

2. Next, create a new YAML file to the project directory (kube_solr) with your preferred text editor and paste the YAML code below to the YAML file. Name the YAML file as you like, but the YAML file is named deployment.yaml in this tutorial.

The code below creates three pods, each containing a Solr container.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: solr-deployment # Names your deployment.
  labels: # Used to organize and select subsets of Kubernetes objects.
    app: solrApp
  # State the number of replicas of the application you need.
  replicas: 3 
  # Defines how the Deployment finds which Pods to manage.
      app: solrApp 
        app: solrApp
      # State the image's name on Docker Hub to build the container from.
      - name: solr 
        image: solr
        # State container port for Solr server (8983).
        - containerPort: 8983
          name: solrapp

3. Now, run the kubectly apply command below to apply configurations you set in the deployment.yaml file.

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Applying Configurations to Create Pods
Applying Configurations to Create Pods

4. Lastly, run the following kubectl get command to return all available pods.

kubectl get pods

Below, you can see pods for the three replicas of Solr containers have been created and are running successfully.

Depending on the speed of your internet and your local machine, containers’ activation in the pods may take 20-30 minutes to complete.

Viewing Available Pods
Viewing Available Pods

Creating a Solr Service

You now have your pods ready, but you’ll have to set permanent IP addresses to your pods by creating a service. You need to set a permanent IP address to maintain the same IP address when a pod restarts.

1. Create a new YAML file, and populate the code below to the YAML file. You name the YAML as you like, but the file is called solr-service.yaml in this tutorial.

The code below contains instructions to create a new Service object named solr-service, which targets port 8983 on any pod with the app=solrApp label.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
     app: solrApp
  name: solr-service
    # Set of Pods targeted by a Service. Matches pods with the label solrApp.
    app: solrApp 
  - port: 8983 # Port exposed by the service.
    targetPort: 8983 # Target port 8983 on any pod.

2. Now, run the below command to create Kubernetes resources as per the solr-service.yaml.

kubectl apply -f solr-service.yaml
Applying Configurations to Create a Solr Service
Applying Configurations to Create a Solr Service

Finally, run the following kubectl describe command to see details about the solr-service service you created.

kubectl describe service solr-service
Viewing Detailed Service Information
Viewing Detailed Service Information

Connecting to the Minikube Server via SSH

Your Kubernetes resources are all set up, but how do you manage your Solr container? You’ll first connect to your Minikube server via SSH so you can access your Solr container. Working within your cluster requires you to start an interactive Bash shell for one of the Docker containers running Solr.

To SSH into your Minikube server:

1. Run the below command to check on your minikube node’s status.

minikube status

As you can see below, the output shows the Minikube node is running.

Verifying Minikube Node Status
Verifying Minikube Node Status

2. Next, run the following command to return the IP address assigned to the Minikube node.

minikube ip

Note down the IP address from the output as you’ll need it to SSH to your Minikube node (step two).

Displaying Minikube IP Address
Displaying Minikube IP Address

3. Lastly, run the below ssh command to SSH into the Minikube node. Replace with the IP address you noted down in step two.

Fill in the prompt as in the image below. The default password for the Minikube node is tcuser, which you’ll fill in the password prompt.

SSHing into the Minikube Node
SSHing into the Minikube Node

Creating a Solr Core

When managing your Solr cluster, you need to run Solr commands, so you’ll need to access a Solr interactive Bash shell. How? By creating a Solr core. Solr core refers to a single index, associated transaction log, and configuration files.

To create a Solr core, find one of the Solr and start an interactive Bash shell for the Docker containers.

1. Run the following docker ps command to get the list of Docker containers.

docker ps

Note down the CONTAINER ID of one of the Solr containers. This tutorial uses the container with an ID of 6f03c1576f47.

Listing Running Containers
Listing Running Containers

2. Next, run the docker exec command below to execute (exec) an interactive(-it) bash shell for the specified container. Replace 6f03c1576f47 with the container ID you noted in step one. docker exec -it 6f03c1576f47 bash

docker exec -it 6f03c1576f47 bash

Below, you can tell that you’re in the container’s interactive shell as the prompt changes. Note down the pod name where you created the Solr core, as you’ll need it later for port-forwarding.


3. In the interactive shell prompt, run the command below to show the status of the Solr server.

bin/solr status
Checking Status of Solr Server
Checking Status of Solr Server

4. Now, run the below bin/solr command to perform the following:

  • Create a Solr core (create_core -c) named techproducts (the name is arbitrary).
  • Add a configset called sample_techproducts_configs in the configsets directory (-d server/solr/configsets/). A configset contains sets of configuration files you can use in a Solr installation.
bin/solr create_core -c techproducts -d server/solr/configsets/sample_techproducts_configs/

5. Finally, run the following (bin/post) command to post sample files in the example/exampledocs/ that Solr provides.

This command adds the sample files to the Solr core you created so that you can test the container.

bin/post -c techproducts example/exampledocs/*
Posting Files to Solr Core
Posting Files to Solr Core

Interacting with Apache Solr Admin

You’ve successfully set up your Kubernetes resources and Solr Core. But the routes you created in the solr-service can not be accessed by the browser, so you need to configure port forwarding.

You’ll configure your container running on Kubernetes so you can access the admin on your web browser. Getting the admin working makes it easier to make queries of your data/files you posted in the last step of the “Creating a Solr Core” section.

1. Open another terminal, and run the following command to get the list of pods.

kubectl get pods

Copy the pod name that contains the container you created Solr core in.

Listing All Pod
Listing All Pod

2. Next, run the kubectl port-forward below to forward a local port (28983) to your cluster (8983). Replace pod_name with the pod name you noted in step one.

This command lets you access the Admin to start making queries to your data.

 kubectl port-forward pod_name 28983:8983
Adding Port Forwarding
Adding Port Forwarding

3. Open your favorite web browser, and navigate to http://localhost:28983/.

If all goes well, you’ll get to the Solr admin dashboard like the image below.

Accessing Solr Admin Dashboard
Accessing Solr Admin Dashboard

4. On the Solr dashboard, click on the Core Select dropdown and select your Solr core.

Selecting Solr Core
Selecting Solr Core

5. After selecting your Solr Core, click on the Query menu. A new page opens where you can configure a query for your data.

Accessing the Query Page
Accessing the Query Page

6. Fill out the information, as shown below, and click on Execute Query at the bottom of the page to see all the documents you saved in JSON format:

  • /select – The route to get content in all the files.
  • 0 – represents the first row.
  • 52 – represents the last row.

At this point, you can now perform other operations to learn more about how Solr works.

Querying Data
Querying Data

Scaling the Cluster

Managing your cluster doesn’t stop in just querying your data. Assuming you start having a lot of traffic on your application, you might want to scale your cluster, like any other Apache Solr tutorials should suggest. You’ll scale your Kubernetes cluster by increasing the number of pods handling a particular application in your cluster.

To scale your cluster, you’ll increase the number of replicas in your deployment.yaml file and apply the modified configurations.

1. Open your deployment.yaml file in your preferred text editor and replace the existing value of replicas from 3 to 6, as shown below. Increasing the value of pod replicas ensures the high availability of your application.

Scaling Cluster
Scaling Cluster

2. Run the kubectl apply command below to apply the changes to your deployment (deployment.yaml).

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Applying Configuration Changes to Scale the Cluster
Applying Configuration Changes to Scale the Cluster

3. Finally, run the kubectl get command below to see all available pods.

kubectl get pods

Below, you can see that there are now six pods running instead of three.

Verifying Running Pods for Scaled Cluster
Verifying Running Pods for Scaled Cluster


In this tutorial, you have learned how to run a full-text search server within a servlet container included in the Solr installation. You’ve also touched on interacting Kubernetes with Apache Solr to manage and scale your cluster.

Curious to know how you will apply your newly acquired knowledge? Perhaps adding Solr to your application as a microservice that handles the application searches?

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