Manage Directory and File Permissions with chmod Recursive

Published:21 December 2021 - 7 min. read

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Matt Nikonorov

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Are you tired of having to change file and directory permissions manually? Are you looking for a faster, more efficient way to modify your files and directories permissions? If so, then you’ve come to the right place because, in this article, you will learn how to change file and directory permissions using the command chmod recursively!

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To follow along, you need a Linux device and a directory whose files and sub-directories permissions are available to practice with.

Learning About Linux Users and Groups

Owners and groups are important in Linux, necessary to securely manage files and directories. The owner is to whom a file or directory is assigned, which is the creator, by default. In Linux, files and directories also belong to groups. Both users and groups are set via the chown command.

In the screenshot below, the content highlighted in green shows the user who owns the file or directory, mihail in this example. The content highlighted in blue shows which group the file or directory belongs to, owned by the staff group in this example.

Listing the owner and group of a set of files and directories
Listing the owner and group of a set of files and directories

Understanding Linux File and Directory Permissions

Permissions set what actions a user or group may perform on a given file or directory. They are indicated by a character representation and also assigned a numerical value.

  • Read (r or 4): Indicates whether a user or group may read the contents of the file or directory. The read permission is granted by default to all newly created files and directories for all parties.
  • Write (w or 2): Indicates whether a user or group can edit the contents of an object. This permission is granted by default only to a file or directory owner.
  • Execute (x or 1): Indicates whether a user or group can execute a file or execute commands inside a directory. The execute permission is granted by default only to directories but not to files.

If you do not give the user (u) execute permissions to a directory, they will not be able to list contents as the user will not be able to execute commands within the directory!

An example is shown below, the output of the command ls -l demonstrates the different permission types. Those permissions preceded by the d value, indicate a directory.

Listing file and directory permissions
Listing file and directory permissions

Why then are there seemingly three sets of permission for each object? Granular control of permissions is achieved by dividing permissions into the sections (referenced as parties for the purpose of this tutorial) listed below.

  • User (u): The owner of a file or directory, highlighted in blue.
  • Group (g): Members of the group to which a file or directory belongs, highlighted in green.
  • Other (o): All additional users and groups not explicitly assigned, highlighted in red.
Demonstrating the combined permissions for a file or directory.
Demonstrating the combined permissions for a file or directory

Changing File Permissions via the chmod recursive Command

With the proper Linux permission understanding, read on to learn how to change file permissions. Permissions are modified via the chmod recursive command as shown in the below examples.

1. First, check the current permissions with the ls -l command. Here, the my_dir/index.js file is shown.

Checking the current permission of index.js.
Checking the current permission of index.js.

2. Run the chmod command, specifying the party, a (all), and the permissions, rwx, or read/write/execute. The full command follows: chmod a=rwx index.js.

Changing index.js' permissions.
Changing index.js’ permissions.

3. As you can see, running chmod recursive doesn’t return any output. To verify that permissions have changed run the command ls -l again.

Verifying index.js permissions
Verifying index.js permissions

Setting File Permissions via Numeric Values

Remember the numbers associated with permissions such as read or write? Instead of specifying the character values, you may specify specific permissions via a number. By adding the values, you create a specific permission such as 6 which is a combination of write (2) and read (4) permissions.

In the example below, set permissions for the file via the command chmod 664 The numerical values break down as follows.

  • User: Read and Write (6).
  • Group: Read and Write (6).
  • Other: Read (4).
Changing permissions for
Changing permissions for

Once permissions are changed, verify the new permissions for the file with the command ls -l.

Verifying permissions for
Verifying permissions for

Removing and Adding File Permissions

The non-numerical commands you have run so far used the assignment parameter (=) with chmod recursive, to set explicit permissions. Instead, you may remove (- ) or add (+) permissions to existing permission sets.

1. First, list the existing permissions for the file via the command ls -l

Checking current permissions.
Checking current permissions

2. Next, add (+) execute (x) permissions to the user party (u), while removing (-) read (r) permissions from the other party (o) for, with the following command chmod u+x,o-r Differing party permissions are separated by commas (,).

Changing permissions.
Changing permissions

3. Run the ls -l command to verify that permissions were modified.

Checking new permissions
Checking new permissions

Recursively Changing File and Directory Permissions

Although you are making progress, you are only operating on one file at a time. What if you have a large number of files to change permissions for? Time to step up your game and learn to change permissions for multiple files.

One of the options to change multiple files is to run chmod recursive with the -R (recursive, and not the capital) option. The recursive option will change the permissions for all the files, including those under sub-directories, inside a given path.

1. Consider the following command, chmod -R a=r,u=rwx my_dir. Most of the options you have already seen before.

This command will change the permissions for all files in the directory, my_dir and sub-directories, via the recursive option (-R). The files are set to readable (r) for all (a), with differing permission for the current user (u) set to full permissions (read, write, execute).

In the screenshot below, you see the resulting permissions after executing the command, which has no resulting output.

Checking my_dir files new permissions
Checking my_dir files new permissions

2. Suppose you run the command, chmod -R a=rwx my_dir, on the same directory as before, my_dir. Once again, you are changing all files in my_dir, and its subdirectories, to set give all (a) full permissions (read, write, execute). Here is the result of the command, as chmod recursive does not display output.

Checking my_dir files new permissions to confirm every part now has every permission.
Checking my_dir files new permissions to confirm every part now has every permission

3. How about the numeric method? As shown below, the recursive method also works with numeric permissions, chmod -R 770 my_dir. Here you are giving full permissions to the user and group, but no permissions to the other party.

Recursively changing permissions with the numeric method
Recursively changing permissions with the numeric method

4. Run ls -l to check that my_dir files and sub-directories permissions are set with the numeric method.

Checking the permissions set once again, this time with the numeric method
Checking the permissions set once again, this time with the numeric method

Defining File and Folder Behavior via Special Permissions

Special permissions allow for several additional privileges unique from the standard permission sets. There are three special permissions. Here is how these special permissions work and how you can add them to a file or directory.

Setting the SUID (User + S) Permissions

Commonly noted as SUID, it is a special permission for the user. The SUID has a single function: a file with SUID always executes as the user who owns the file, regardless of who is executing the file.

For example, consider index.js. To give the additional SUID permission, run chmod u+s index.js.

Now, if you run ls -l index.js, you’ll find that the user has an s in their permissions instead of an x.

Checking index.js new permissions
Checking index.js new permissions

Setting the SGID (Group + S) Permissions

Commonly noted as SGID, this special permission has two functions:

  • If set for a file, it allows the file to be executed as the group that owns the file, regardless of who is executing the file.
  • If set for a directory, any files created in the directory will have their group ownership set to that of the directory owner.

Practice on the index.php file. To add the SGID permission to this file, run the following command: chmod g+s index.php.

Now, if you run ls -l index.php, you’ll find that the group has an s in their permissions.

Checking index.php new permissions
Checking index.php new permissions

Move on to a directory: my_dir. You can add the SGID permission to this directory using the following command: chmod g+s my_dir. Any files created in this directory will now have their group ownership set to the directory owner. You can check the directory new permissions using ls -ld my_dir (the d parameter limits output to directories only).

Checking my_dir new permissions
Checking my_dir new permissions

Changing the Sticky Bit Permission

The last special permission is also known as the “sticky bit.” This permission does not affect individual files. But, at the directory level, it restricts file deletion. Only the owner of a file can remove a file within that directory.

Add the sticky bit to the old familiar my_dir directory. To do that, run the command as follows: chmod +t my_dir.

Note that, to add the sticky bit, you do not indicate the other group(o) before the +t.

When you check my_dir‘s new permissions, you will see a capital T in the other permissions, as shown in the screenshot below.

Checking my_dir new and special permissions
Checking my_dir new and special permissions


Congratulations! You covered a lot of topics on chmod recursive. You are now ready to tackle any pesky permission problems that arise with the almighty chmod tool. You even learned how to leverage the power of the recursive (-R) option.

How do you intend to implement chmod versatile functionality to your advantage next time you’ll need to manage file or directory permissions?

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