Getting Started With Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition

Learn how to get started with databases via the Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition in this tutorial from ATA Learning!

11 Amazing Performance Tuning in SQL Server Tips

Is your SQL server starting to slow down? Learn all about performance tuning in SQL server in this tutorial!

The Amazing SQL Server Data Types (And When to Use Them)

If you're storing SQL data, you must understand SQL Server data types. In this article, you'll learn about all data types and when to use them.

How to Create Azure SQL Database with PowerShell

Need to automate creating an Azure SQL database and server? Look no further! You'll learn how to set up all things Azure SQL with PowerShell!

Connect to Azure SQL Database: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn to connect to Azure SQL Database and use it alongside or instead of traditional SQL Server installations.

Connect to SQL Server from Linux with ODBC

Set up an ODBC connection to run queries on a Microsoft SQL Server from Linux in this step-by-step guide.

Monitor SQL Server Performance with PowerShell

Set up a SQL Server performance monitor using PowerShell and learn how to query SQL Server performance counters.